Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's been awhile...

It took me a long time to jump on the blog bandwagon and it's obvious that I haven't really remained committed to it. I thought I'd throw at least one more post out there before 2008 ends. I could say that I'm going to blog every week as a 2009 New Year's resolution but we know how resolutions go.

FrozenYoga is still here --- if you don't believe me, check out our store at IN FACT - we are having a sale this week only and certain jewelry items are 50% off. After that they go back to regular prices so act quickly please :)

There are some changes coming to the store as we shift to selling more artwork and less jewelry. However, the jewelry will always have its own little spot.

So, in case this is the last post for 2008 --- I wish everyone and their families, friends, pets, and whomever else a wonderful holiday season. No matter what you celebrate - I hope that everyone is happy, healthy, and surrounded by loved ones. Take care!

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